Pat Asadu Foundation

Wholesome Health

We believe that good health encompasses Medical & Social wellbeing.

“We cannot say someone is healthy when they struggle to eat three square meals or have no shirt on their back. To say we have impacted health, we have to go beyond medical health to touch on social health as well.”

– Dr Pat Asadu

The Problem

There are numerous issues facing healthcare in the world today but for the rural communities, even minor ailments like malaria or dehydration which would be cured in a matter of days in the urban communities could take weeks to recover without treatment and death in extreme cases.

This Wholesome Health Programme was developed considering 2 principal drivers for change that guide our actions and projects:

Our Solution

To combat these drivers and promote our belief of health going beyond medicine, three projects have been initiated. The WHP framework will enable additional projects to be included if they contribute to the outcomes and benefits for this programme.



Covid-19 Sensitization and Drug Distribution Program

April 7, 2020
The foundation sent out 2 medical teams to embark on a household to household Covid-19 sensitization, free medical checks, free distribution of essential materials & drugs to our rural communities.


2019 Free Medical Mission

November 25 - 30, 2019
The 2019 Annual medical and surgical mission provided consultational, procedural and surgical interventions to thousands to villagers.


2018 Free Medical Mission

February 19 - 24, 2018

Following tradition, The 2018 medical mission allowed thousands of villagers the opportunity to receive free medical and surgical interventions and medications.


2017 Free Medical Mission

December 28, 2016 - January 2, 2017
The 2017 Free Medical Mission at the Obukpa Comprehensive Medical Center provided free medical consultations, free surgical procedures and free medications to our villagers.


Renovation of Ajuona Ovoko Health Centre

Date Pending
PAF renovated the Primary Health Centre at Ajuona Ovoko to enable an improved environment and experience for ailing members of the community.


By addressing these health issues, the WHP hopes to facilitate the following impact in the livelihoods of the communities: