Pat Asadu Foundation

Letter of Encouragement from Dr Pat Asadu

To a hopeful and compassionate 2021

Dear Friends,
2020 has been a year that none of us will be sorry to say goodbye to. It has been a year that fundamentally challenged our perceptions of safety and resilience in all areas of our lives.

Many have lost loved ones as the pandemic rages on, bringing along an economic crisis with its own challenges including hunger, inequality and despair as jobs continue to disappear, businesses struggle and debts mount.
I would like to send my thoughts and prayers to everyone who has been affected by the dreadful virus, and express my gratitude to the frontline workers who have stepped up to care for our most vulnerable in dire circumstances, but I would also like to thank you who stayed home, closed your businesses and prayed for our nation and all those affected.

Most importantly, I would like to remind you that you have survived one of the worst years in our lifetime, and you did it with compassion, collaboration and courage. You reached out to people that needed someone and you braved everything that weighed you down and continue to do so. 2020 has shown us that we are strong beyond what we thought possible and the fight is not over.
As 2021 rises over the horizon, we see hope with vaccines being rolled out and economies bracing themselves, we must continue to survive and find the energy and compassion to support our communities that continue to deal with the effects of a tumultuous year.

I wish you a safe and Merry Christmas and hope that the New Year brings good health and good fortune.
Warm wishes to you and your loved ones,
Dr Pat Asadu,